- Alex de Voux, National Institute for Communicable Diseases, National Health Laboratory Service, Johannesburg, South Africa1
- Allison Chamberlain, Emory University1
- Andes, Karen L., Emory University1
- Baral, Stefan, Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health1
- Berg, Carla, Emory University1
- Bobbi Patterson, Emory University1
- Carey, James, Centers of Disease Control and Prevention1
- Carlos del Rio, Emory University1
- Carnes, Neal, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention1
- Chamberlain, Allison, Emory University1
- Cooper, Hannah, Emory University1
- Corces, Victor, Emory University1
- David Benkeser, Emory University1
- Del Rio, Carlos, Emory University1
- Dianne Stewart, Emory University1
- Do, Ann, Emory University1
- Dr. Ameeta Kalokhe, Emory University1
- Dr. Jeb Jones, Emory University1
- Dr. Kate Winskell, Emory University1
- Dr. Samuel Jenness, Emory University1