- Kun Zhao , Centers for Disease Control and Prevention1
- Lance Waller, Emory University1
- Lavery, James, Emory University1
- Lawrence Boise, Emory University1
- Leon, Juan, Emory University1
- Lisa M. Cranmer, Emory University1
- Martin, Lara S. MA, MPH, Emory University1
- McFarland, Deborah A, Emory University1
- McNabb, Scott, Emory University1
- Melissa Young, Emory University1
- Michael Kramer, PhD, Emory University1
- Monique Hennink, Emory University1
- Parminder Suchdev, Emory University1
- Patricia Moreland, Emory University1
- Podewils, Laura, Emory RSPH and Denver Public Health1
- Rachel Waford Hall, Emory University1
- Rochat, Roger, Emory University1
- Scott JN McNabb, Emory University1
- Shah, N. Sarita, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)1
- Siegler, Aaron J, Emory University1