Desulfitative Coupling Reactions for the Mild Construction of Carbon-Carbon, Carbon-Nitrogen, and Carbon-Oxygen Bonds
1 of 10
Beyond Aggression and Dominance: The Effects of Social and
Environmental Factors on Fecal Testosterone and Fecal
Glucocorticoid Levels in Wild Female Verreaux's Sifaka
(Propithecus verreauxi)
2 of 10
How did U.S. Prohibition affect human capital? An analysis of long-term effects of prenatal alcohol exposure
3 of 10
The Effect of Prices and Political Unity on the Efficacy of
Inter-state Gas Bargaining
4 of 10
Legume consumption and incident sporadic colorectal adenoma risk: A pooled case-control study
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Essays on Entropy-based Robust Inference with Applications in Finance and Economics
6 of 10
Succession to Muhammad and its Sectarian Ramifications
7 of 10
Sexual Identity, Behavior and Health: Women Who Have Relationshipswith Women and Men
8 of 10
Investigating and Developing a Novel Implicit Measurement of Self-Esteem
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Not All Elections Are Alike: The Institutional Determinants ofPolitical Business Cycles