Paclitaxel and Cyclostreptin in theTubulin Binding Site
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Approval Sheet Intimate partner violence among HIV+ crack
cocaine users: where and why to intervene
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Integrating Genomics and Molecular Biology: Identifying Transcriptional Targets for the Prostate Cancer Oncogene SOX4 And Evaluating the Efficacy of Aurora Kinase Inhibition in Chemotherapy-Resistant Ovarian Cancer
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Lifestyle Change in a Large National Healthcare System
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Islands of Memory: The Sea Islands, Black Women Artists, and thePromise of Home
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Keeping it Together, Falling Apart and Everything in Between: A
Phenomenology of Women's Experiences of Childbirth
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Modeling the Geometric Regularity in Proteus Mirabilis Colonies
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Conceptualizing and quantifying access to HIV care among people living with HIV in Atlanta, Georgia
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Arguing with Job: Consolation and Quarrel in the Joban Dialogue
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The Assessment of Iron Status of Kenyan Preschool Children in Rural
Western Kenya