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The Lift
1 of 10
Perceived Impact of Georgia Home Visiting on Social Emotional Learning in Children Five Years and Younger
2 of 10
Associations Between Observed Child Communication and Teacher Structure In Inclusive Preschool Classrooms for Children With and Without Autism
3 of 10
The relationship between preterm birth and academic achievement among diverse early-life lingual environments
4 of 10
"The Suspect Matron": A History of Sheltering Arms Day Nursery
and the Origins of the American Childcare Worker (1890-1940)
5 of 10
Plant, Grow, & Learn: A Garden-Based Kindergarten -
5th Grade Nutrition Curriculum
6 of 10
Poverty, Inequality, and Children's Early Cognitive Skills
7 of 10
From the 'Street' to the 'Neighborhood': A Historical Comparison
and Analysis of Public Prosocial Television Edutainment
8 of 10
Preschool in the South Pacific: Establishing a Quantitative
Method for Cross-Cultural Comparison in the US, Samoa and
9 of 10
The association of caregivers' access to Anganwadi Center
services with school readiness of their 5-year old children: A
secondary cross-sectional analysis of data from Chhattisgarh,
10 of 10