Résultats de recherche
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The role of previous experience in the perceptual adaptation of accented speech
1 de 10
The occipital place area represents visual information about walking, not crawling
2 de 10
Is sound symbolism an affordance?
3 de 10
Visual Perception of Apparent Motion Follows Minimization Principles of Geometry, not Physics
4 de 10
Examining Slowed Forgetting in Recognition Memory for Emotional and Neutral Pictures
5 de 10
Pre-testing as a facilitator of memory integration across representational formats
6 de 10
Learning in Leaps: Spontaneous Self-Derivation through Memory Integration in Young Adults
7 de 10
Component Processes Involved in Self-Derivation of New Knowledge in 4-Year-Olds
8 de 10
Investigating Functional Connectivity of the Amygdala as a Function of Valence and Subsequent Memory
9 de 10
Predicting Verbal and Nonverbal Deception in 2 ½ - 5-year-olds
10 de 10