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Résultats de recherche
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Social Visual Engagement in Children With and Without Autism: Classroom and Lab Observations
1 de 10
Emergence and Cognitive Correlates of Evaluative Audience Perception
2 de 10
Associations between Maternal Depression and Infant Temperament:
Investigations of a Transactional Model
3 de 10
2 Parental Styles of Interaction during Reminiscing and Play:
Relations to Children's Attachment
4 de 10
Evolution of social cognition and the cognitive bases of transitive
inference in monkeys
5 de 10
Social Learning across Cultures: Universality and Cultural
6 de 10
The Associations between Ordinality and Mathematical Development
7 de 10
Examining Peripersonal Space: Representations Surrounding the Body
and the Role of Threat
8 de 10
Social Context, Parental Monitoring, and Multisystemic Therapy
9 de 10
10 de 10